What was awaiting me when I got home :) thanks mom and dad!
Pepene! Whenever I see a watermelon I will think of Tata!
So I have been back in the states for a week now. And it has been a little different to get use to again. I find myself answering my parents back in Romania :-) Or listening to a few select songs that whenever they are played will forever remind me of my summer spent in Romania. I have notice that I take a little longer to do things :-)
There have been a couple overwhelming experiences. For example the other day at church I was a little overwhelmed because for the past three months I had been attending a church where you were able to say Buna! to everyone if you liked and have a small conversation. Yesterday I felt there was just enough time for a hello and then a good bye. I was not a fan of that.
Driving again has been fine.
I went into Target the other day with Cherie and Joey. We went down the toy aisle that was a little overwhelming.
At my dad's work picnic, it was at Crag's cruisers and I pretty much inhaled four pieces of pizza. (not because I missed pizza, oh no I got my share of delicious pizza in Romania). It just tasted really good.
Pancakes were my first breakfast food upon arriving home. I took a picture of them because it reminded me of Romania and also because when I put the butter on it formed the shape of a heart. But unfortunately my camera decided it wanted to delete all the pictures I had on my camera at that time :-(
My mom asked me what I wanted for my first dinner home and I told her a huge salad with Feta cheese :-) She was expecting me to say pizza. So she was very shocked when I said a salad. But it tasted oh so good. I then also made a rap at Cherie's apartment with Feta cheese, it reminds me of some cheese in Romania. I also found out that we have Blood orange juice here in the states! At least someone said we did and that made me really excited because I tried it in Romania and fell in love with it.
It is fun to talk in Romanian every now and then I feel like I have my own secret language. And to have my mom try and pronounce some of the words is quite comical.
I'm thankful for the people God has placed in my life that are able to sit and listen for a moment about the life changing experience that God brought me on. I'm also thankful that Dorothy had Angie and I read the Cross Cultural learning book, because it prepared us for what to expect when we came back home.
I learned a lot about myself, about working with others and about how much work goes into starting a new program.
I will not forget those three months of my life spent in Romania. I can tell that it changed my life for the better and I will not forget the people I met on the Journey!
I will soon be closing that chapter of my life once all the little details of the program are worked out. And I have already started the new chapter in my life called "Looking for a Job, Meets Finishing My Last Year at University!"
Thank you to everyone who prayed for both Angie and I while we were in Romania. I could tell we were being lifted up in prayer. There was no way we could of done it on our own. I think we tried and failed :)
So thank you again for reading and going along with me on this journey!