First off Happy Birthday to my dear friend Amber! I hope you have a wonderful day today on your birthday and may God bless you with many more.
This past weekend Angie and myself were able to attend a conference in Bucharest. The topic was how does God view people with disabilities and how can the church and its members reach out to this population.
We left Thursday after noon from Sigh. by train. It was a six hour ride which included beautiful scenery and time to catch up on reading.
Arriving in Bucharest was definitely a little culture shock for both Angie and I. For the past month or so we have been in a slower pace of life and then to arrive in the busy metropolis of Bucharest sent our heads spinning. I do not mind big cities but when you through in a different language that puts a new twist on things. We had the pleasure of staying with Magda and Hannah (her sweet, lovable fury companion). The fellowship with Magda was very encouraging and uplifting. The conference was great but both Angie and myself were happy to see the familiar scenes of Sigh. And to be greeted by hugs from our host family.
This past Sunday was also a new experience for both my (usa :) ) family and I, as we were able to use skype for the first time. Everyone was there but Jake. I think Joey was taking his place. Whoever invented skype is a genius and it just blows my mind how much we can do with technology now a days. It was good to talk to them and to see their faces. And be able to introduce y host family to them and the beautiful view from my bedroom window.
We had/have two guest groups here. One group was only here for two day and then they were off to another place in Romania. Angie and I were able to put our servant skills to use which we really enjoyed. The other group is a group of medical students who have been helping with the elderly club by checking their blood pressure, making sure they are on the right medication and so forth.
Today was hard for me and a little overwhelming. We had not had language class for about a week because of different things coming up and with being busy with many things I was not able to practice as much as I would of liked to. Things were not sticking. I ended up asking my teacher if she had anything that I could listen to audio-ably. We will talk more about it tomm.
We also had our meeting with our volunteers who will be helping us with the program. It went well. On Friday Angie and myself will lead staff devotions by sharing with the staff what we learned at the conference. You will see a summary of it below. On Friday we will also go to visit the place where they do the equestrian training, I'm really looking forward to that!
The conference was great. There was a group of people from the organization Joni and Friends. Some of the key topics included: barriers and obstacles in Romania for persons with disabilities, causes of different disabilities, how other religions view disabilities, how God views those with disabilities, demon position, healing, practical ways that the church can become involved.
When asked what the barriers are for people with disabilities in Romania are some of the things that people mentioned included buildings not being assessable, lack of programs, fear of rejection sometimes even in the family, shame, no documentation of disability.
One girl mentioned how the hardest thing was how she was rejected by her own mother when she left her at the hospital. She was always rejected and she really wondered why she was ever born.
Someone mentioned how people would keep their children isolated so they could not socialize with others and not develop completely.
What does it mean to have a disability? One definition is normality in a different dimension.
Some causes of disabilities here in Romania include accidents, birth defects, infections, immunization or lack of, effects of radiation, at birth when the child is pulled out of the mother by forceps, alcohol and neglect.
Some people still believe that persons with disabilities are cursed or have a disability because of their sin or their parents sin. The staff of Joni and friends made it perfectly clear that because of the new confident of Christ coming to die on the cross for our sin and became the curse for us there is no reason why persons with disabilities could be under a curse. Therefore no curse can come upon us if we are in Christ.
Disabilities are a result of the fall of man not because of one person's sin.
How does God view those with disabilities? Gen. 1:26-27 Everyone was created in God's image. We bare the image of God not only in our physical manner but more importantly in our inner person. People with disabilities are fearfully and wonderfully.
If disabilities were the result of one's sin we would all have disabilities. "For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God."
Many of the people at the conference were parents of children with disabilities or someone with a disability and they wondered if it was wrong to pray for healing. The bible clearly says to pray for the sick, and lay hands on the sick. The main point that Joni and Friends wanted to get across was not to become obsessed with praying over healing but to focus on the inner person and what the person can do in the here and now because God might not choose to heal the person on their time here on earth. So do not let the the focus of them not being healed stop them from doing great things for God's kingdom. When our priorities are not right we miss God's plan for our life.
A huge misconceptions: If people with disabilities had enough faith they would be healed.
The way you love someone with a disability is the same way you love anyone.
A short story...
One of the speakers of Joni and Friends was visiting this church with his wife. And during worship time this girl with down syndrome came over to him during the service several time and gave him and his wife a big bear hug. He went on to say that even though he may be able to think more quickly then her, her capacity to love far out weighted his. And he went on to say how that is his disability in life. So ask yourself what is your disability? And what do you have that you can give to persons with disabilities? We all have Jesus to give, do we not? The lies that we believe about ourselves begin to isolate us. It is required of you to be the person to reach out to the least.
A lot of times we want to get people straight before we bring them to Christ but he does not care how they come.
Here are a few practical ways the church and community can reach out to person's with disabilities.
Disability awareness Sunday: this would give the opportunity to prepare the hearts of the people of the community and educate them on different disabilities and how to interact with persons with disabilities.
Build a ramp day: just what it says find a place in your community that is not assessable and build a ramp.
Luke 14 Banquet: Luke 14:12-14- Then Jesus said to his host, " When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. 13 But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." So you would invite person's with disabilities and those without to join you for dinner and then allow a couple people with disabilities to share their testimonies.
Sports and Recreation Day: just what it sounds like but doing some adaptive sports ex:wheelchair basketball, goal ball, soccer and so forth.
Love gift distribution Day: find out the needs in your community and then meeting those needs.
Advocacy is the biggest. Help strengthen the voice for those who have disabilities.
If you are interested in learning more about the organization Joni and Friends their website is down below.
Love and Prayers to back home.