

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Disclaimer: *Some parts of this post may not be suited for those with queasy stomachs.

So at elderly club on Tuesday I was able to play doctor and take the blood pressure of the people who were there one lady even asked me if I was a doctor. And another day I was doing pretty good I asked one of the ladies if she would like chai (tea) or Coffee, she said tea so then I brought the sugars over to see which one she would like. And she pointed to the one she wanted and I asked her uni (one) or Duo (two) and she said duo. Well then she wanted to take her medicine and I figured she would want water, but in her sentence I never heard the word for water which is apa. So I asked her if she wanted apa plata, and she said nu (no), nu (no). So I went to ask David and Mia what she might be wanting and they said water and I said no she said no to water when I asked if that was what she wanted. Then they asked if she maybe wanted chai and I said no she already has some. So they came to talk to her and sure enough it was cold water that she wanted. We all had a good laugh over it. And I thanked Mia for allowing me to still come even though I mess things up. Another example was with another lady earlier in the week. Mia told me that this one lady likes half coffee, half chai. So I was thinking in the same cup (weird but everyone their own). I brought it to her and she took a drink and made a face that I will never forget. That told me I did something wrong. Turns out she wanted one cup half full of chai and a separate one half full of coffee. Needless to say I will not make that mistake again :) I felt a little like the Amilea Bedilea Books :)

So Angie and myself lead special needs club on Monday. We had a great time with the participants. I got out some play dough and worked on some fine motor skills with Alex. He tends to favor one hand so I kept encouraging him to use his other one. They all said that they had a really good time with us. We also played some sequence.

I was given the opportunity to go on another amazing day trip. This time it was with the support group of the parents who have teens and adults with special needs. I had a wonderful time. And was able to see more of God's wonderful creation. We went to one of the highest points in Romanian and I saw my first waterfall! I was also able to experience every type of weather from sunshine to snow to getting soaked to the bone on my walk home in the thunderstorm. Never before have I experienced that much variety in weather in one day.

We went to special needs club again on Thursday we played with play dough again for a little while. Then Angie taught them some English words and then we played pictionary. It was a grand old time. On Thursday Angie and I also went to Aerobics class with Anita and lets just say we got our butts kicked. It was a lot of fun and we got what we payed for. We did some moves that I had never done before in an exercise class and used the exercise balls and with some of the movements I felt like a seal :)

*On Friday Angie and I were hungry, so we decided to have a little afternoon snack so we had some cereal and cherries. I had a handful of the cherries and enjoyed them very much. Later that night we were finishing up our dinner when Timmy joined us and brought some more cherries out. I had noticed that Timmy was opening her cherries before eating them and all I thought was why is she doing that, she is going to get cherry juice all over her hands. Well, I found out why she was doing that and it was because she was checking for worms. By this point I had consumed a good handful or so. I definitely felt like throwing up after realizing what had just happened. After that we were trying to drawn them in water. I could not believe I had just consumed worms. Our conversation then turned to other types of insects such as leaches, ticks tape worm, meal worms and so on. Great dinner conversation :) I'm sure I will not eat another cherry for a while. Our mama told us that she went to buy some cherries from a guy and she asked him why they were so expensive and he said because there is no meat (worms) in them. :-P

The day has finally arrived. After much anticipation, planning and hard work we will officially begin the new program on Monday, please pray for guidance, energy and strength. We have a great group of volunteers and teens, it will be great to see them grow and learn new things. Three months is not nearly enough time, the time has gone so fast and I wish I could slow it down. I have been trying to take it all in and just live in the moment. My host sister Timmy tells me not to think about it which I try not to. But then when I spend time with the people and begin to see relationships forming I can't help but think about how hard it will be to say goodbye. But I will try not to think about that and make the rest of this month and next month the most that I can make it. Live all out and leave nothing on the table to have regrets about later.

I pray that the Jr. High mission trip went well! And that relationships were build and lives changed.

Much Love from Romania!

Hope you enjoy the pictures and video. Sorry that the video is on it's side, if you turn your computer side ways you will get the idea :)

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Jedidiah's Journey said...
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