

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Hard Times

Yesturday was a good but sad day. I got the chance to help out at the church office with sara. That was great fun. I messed up so much on making coping I'm thinking that was my last time helping out. j/k sara said she does it all the time which made me feel good. Well, after I was done there I decided to come home and take a little nap. :-) And when I got up it was like 8:30 at night and my mom still wasn't home yet. So I got up and started watching TV with my dad and brother when all of a sudden we hear a noise from outside it almost sounded like a tire blew out. So we went to see what it was and come to find out one of our cat's had been hit. He died right away. Because when we got out there he was dead. So I asked Jake if he was going to take care of it and he didn't really do anything. Well, I heard the phone ringing so I ran inside and it was my mom. I didn't tell her what had happened I thought I should wait until she comes home. So I went back outside and the cat was still in the road so I decided to take care of him. There wasn't any blood or anything so I just picked him up and carried him to the house. I knew my mom was on her way home and the last thing I wanted was for her to come and find him in the road. Later that night when it was time to go to bed my mom says to me that she doesn't think that she can sleep so I stay up with her til 3. I learned how to play crabbage and we watched monster's inc. I tryed it find a funny one to make her laugh. That was yesturday in a nut shell sorry if the story was gross. Now on to today I went and turned in my applications to michael's and Hobby lobby and between you and me I would rather work at hobby lobby they're closed on Sundays :-). Than my mom and I went downtown so I could figure out how to get to school. And try not to go down any one way streets the wrong way:-0 I'm kinda excited but not really. Than we went to good will where I found some great buys. Than we came home and about 30min. ago I found out that my grandpa went into a diabetic comma. So my mom and dad took off to the hospital so if you could pray for him if you think of it his name is Fred and my grandma too. God is still good is he not. Take care ever one.


Sara said...

Chaille I miss you. :) I am really sorry about your cat... :( poor thing. I will pray for your grandpa too.. wow.. all kinds of insane stuff in your post! I hope you get the hobby lobby job..
I can wait to see you! I love you... and miss you so much!!! A-STINKIN-MEN!!!!

FaithChristine said...

Hey Chaille, so sorry about your cat and that your brother wasn't man enough to take care of it. :-/

Check out my blog if you feel like it :-) See you around. Thanks for all your hard work planning the B-party.

Anonymous said...

I miss You!!
sorry i didn't get to see you yesterday, i was up in the UP with my family. i will tell you more about that when i see you though. :D i'm sorry to hear about your cat. thats too bad. I will be praying for your Grandfather, and for your Grandmother! Keep on smiling Cha!! God is good, just like you said!! i hope to see you soon! i'm praying for you!
love ya!