

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

First Day of College

Today was my first day of college and it went very well. I just love learning again. I rode the same bus as Derek P. but I don't think he saw me get on and I didn't know he was on until he got off lol. And in my principles of Sociolgy class I found out that one of my second cousins is in there with me. And the part about everyone saying it's like high school in a way it is because you run into people from high school. Like I ran into Mitch, Andrew M. and Jenn Smith. My PY 101 teacher is crazy she said so her self. But what I like about her is that she puts her foot down and doesn't let people get away with things. I have homework in her class but we haven't even gotten our books yet how funny is that. And Sara I wish you knew who Kyle A. was from camp so I could get his e-mail and tell him that I found his twin and he's in my PY 101 class. He's a little more filled out than Kyle and has much less hair. On the bus ride back to my lot I sat next to a girl who made a bag completely out of duck tape and this wasn't like some like purse it was a huge like messager bag. And getting home was fun and easy. Jennie J. you would be proud of me. :^) And in my sociology class we all got to share what we did over the summer and I got to share about camp and the mission trip. So that was sweet. Still no job but I ran into Katie at Target and she said they are hiring so I think I'll check that out. Well, I would love to keep on writing but I have h/w yessssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it. Take care everyone and God Bless!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

wow, i'm so glad that everything went well for you today! it's so good that you even found some people that you know, i mean even though they are people from school, i still think it's good to at least know someone. :D i'm praying for you and i can't wait to hear more. i hope that everything continues to go so good for you!! i miss you! i'll let you know about that hockey game too!! i'll call you soon! God Bless!

Sara said...

I am glad school is good... I have been praying you meet great people :) I can use the moody stalkernet to look up that kyle kid... haha... his email will be on there! :) have a really great day sister girl!
love you. :D