This is the last week of summer camp. God has been doing some pretty amazing things here. 60 campers were saved last week. Yahoo!!!! And last week at the begin of the week before the week even started we had only 100 and so campers signed up and than they gave a huge discount and and there ended up being 400 or more. It was cool to see all the campers that God brought to camp. I was asked to counsel one last time for the summer but sadly/ Happily if that makes sense. I turned it down. Cherie, Jennifer and Ashley came up to visit me. It was so great to see them. I felt petty back getting us lost all over. But it was great to see them. A couple of representatives from Romania are here at camp and I would really like the chance to talk to them. About Romania. The team left yesterday to go to Romania and will be there for 2 weeks. There are Two weeks of camp this year instead of one. Which is so exciting. It's also awesome to see the campers giving at chapel. Well, Camp Chenaniah is no longer coming. This was another camp that would come and use our waterfront from 10:30-11:30 in the morning so now with them not coming any more we have our mornings off again. Which is nice we are able to help in other areas and such. This is the last week of camp like I said above but I will most likely be up here until the end of August. Helping with other groups.
I hope all is well back at home with everyone I'm thinking of you and Praying for you. Love you all.
I miss you a ton and i'm so excited to see you soon and have a chance to talk about how God has worked throughout the summer both here and at Lake ann... I'm done with counseling for the summer but we have two weeks left of program staff for other camps that use our facilities, it's going well though. I've applied at the YMCA downtown and i hope to hear back from them soon. SO i'm done with camp in two weeks... when are you done? SOon i hope because i need you back soon!! i miss you and i can't wait to see you. Keep on pressing on! Love you lots!
COME HOME SOON! My beautiful friend, i've been counting down the days until you come home. I miss conversation with you, i miss your hugs, and coffee on cold winter days with you! :D i miss you... Only a few more days! Keep smiling i can't wait to see you!
God Bless!
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