Angie received her luggage tonight (Saturday night)!
Yesterday was a very long day of just sitting. We did devotions with the rest of the Veritas staff. Then we went to the international cafe (inside the House on the Rocks)and sat and talked some more. Then we got to visit the directors house where you guessed it sat some more and watch a pretty deep movie. After that we were off to an organ concert. I was beat when I finally made it home.
On Saturday we were also able to help with the with the English camp reunion. It was so fun getting to know the students. I was talking with a small group of them and I asked if they liked soccer, and I was not ready for their responses. They had nothing but negative comment to say about it. I just laughed because I was beside myself and did not know what to say. They said they were more a fan of basketball.
We also took a trip to Narcissus Meadow & Corund (Cherie and Christina I found a little something for both of you here ;) )
And then Saturday night we went to Night of the Museums. Which is when all of the museums are free to go into. There are only three but it was still fun and we were able to go to the top of the clock tower. The rain cut the festivities short. Our baby sister was part of a little skit.
We went to church on Sunday which was good, the service is translated so we knew what they were saying. There was one song where we sang in English while the rest of the congregation sang in Romanian. giving us a little taste of what heaven will be like :)
Sunday Afternoon was full of lunch with the family, movies (Horten hears a who and rrrrrrrrrrrrr-Hungarian movie that we watched with English subtitles), chocolate chip cookies (which are a delicacy here, our family was in Heaven when they were eating them and it just goes to show how fun can become so boring to you when you have it so often) and card games.
Today we did devotions with the staff again. Then I was given the chance to sit in with the special needs club. I so badly just wanted to talk with them. I think that has been the hardest part about this experience is not being able to carry on a conversation. It makes you value non-verbals so much more and I do not think I have talked with my hands so much in my life :) my ta ta (host papa) does not speak very good English which is said because I would really like to get to know him better. I treasure the small conversation we are able to have. He is such a loving father to his girls, I enjoy watching them interact with each other. It makes my heart happy.
I was also able to help out with the teen club and I really enjoyed that.
We start language classes tomm. which I am happy about. Learning the language has been hard for me. I have a hard time pronouncing some things. But I want to learn so I am able to talk with my Ta Ta better and other people of Sighisoara. This experience has helped me realize how someone might feel who is visiting America for the first time.
I think of home when I look at my watch and try and think what everyone back some might be doing. Like yesterday I looked at my watch and everyone back at home would of just been going to first service at church and that kind of made me sad to think about. But I was on the church website and was able to watch some of P.C.'s messages so that made me happy that I will be able to still get a taste of home.
Amber know that I miss our bike rides.
My Junior High girls-I hope you are learning new things about Christ and that school is going well for you.
And my family I miss you bunches- this includes Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents, and of course my familia (mom, dad, big sis, brother Pookie, Bob a lue, Chico, Mama Cita, Dot Dot, Zoey and I suppose Sadie too :)
I would say that Prayer requests would include God giving me the energy to do what I am suppose to do here. And wisdom with how best I can help the people of Romania.
If my readers have any prayer request feel free to post them and I will make sure to pray for them.
Love you all!
Romanian word for the day: Buna! Hello!
Hi friend!!
So glad to hear the great news about your wonderful host family, new little sisters, and trip to the museums. I'm glad you are sharing big and little things; it helps paint a better picture. I will now think of Romania each time I make cookies :) I will definitely be praying for your language learning process and your ability to communicate more easily with your host father.
You are missed as well, just so you know. I felt like a fish out of water yesterday trying to find a seat without your smiling face :) I think the service with our new candidate went really well though. It seems evident to me that its all being orchestrated by God. Please pray that people can overlook his age and be open to God's hand at work in the process. Love you!
Buna! I didn't see this posting until tonight (Mon night). I have been checking every day and can't believe that it was posted on Sat. and I just now am seeing it. Some sad news, Murray Potes father passed away this past Sunday. His funeral is Wed. I got your package mailed out this past Sat. hopefully you will have it in a couple of weeks.
I think the hardest time I have had since you left was during church. I really missed you at that time. I have my watch set to Romania time so I can also think of what you might be doing through out the day. I am glad you are doing well and it's great to hear everything that you are experincing.
I did send you an email to your yahoo acct. with questions about items that you might want me to send in your second package.
I watched a movie set in Romania yesterday "4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days" or in Romania I think it is "4 luni 3 saptamani Ei z zille" this is not totally correct but it is close( the a's have lines over them and I don't know how to do that). There were stray dogs/werewolves in this movie. It stated in the closing credits that Romania became a memeber of the European Union in 2007. The movie dealt with the issue of black market abortions.
We will continue to keep you in our prayers that the Lord will bless you during you language classes. Happy to hear Angie got her luggage. Give your family there our greetings Buna!
Dare to do great things,
Love, Mom
Hi Chaille,
I just wanted to say I had been anxiously waiting to read your posts; it's so good to be able to hear what great things God has been doing during your journey from a far! Not only are you a blessing to the people there, but you are a blessing through your blog for us at home! :) You are such an inspiration for me in your faith and you continue to amaze me by how compassionate you are towards the people of Romania.
Keep pressing on, I pray the communication factor becomes easier for you. I miss you tons but am so glad you've been given this opportunity! Praying for you, and can't wait for the next post!
I will keep that prayer request in mind about the new worship pastor. Sad that I missed his first Sunday. You and I both now that if it is God's will that he become our new worship pastor he will :) Thanks for updating me on that. I hope work is going well and you are enjoying the spring weather. Looking forward to the day of sitting in the same row at church with you :)
I did just post it on monday. I saw that it said Saturday and I think it did that because I started it on Saturday and then did not finish it until monday night.
I started crying a little while reading your post. I'm sorry to hear about Mr. Potes father passing away.
I missed not being at church as well. But like I said I can watch p.C's sermons online :) I love technology!
That makes my heart happy to read that you also have your watch set to Romanian time!
I don't think I got your e-mail. I've ever been able to recieve e-mails from you at my yahoo account. If you still have it try sending it to my aol account and I will try to check it.
And you want to know what is crazy that Romanian movie that you watched that was the deep movie I was talking about in one of my post we watched it at Dorothy's. Pretty Crazy.
Ce Faci? (How are you?)
I was so glad to see your post!!!
How is your field work going?
How is the puppy?
Thanks so much for your encouragement. God knew I needed it today.
So my question is if you have time to expand on this "not liking soccer idea"? If you have time!
p.s. I'm new to this blogging thing so hopefully I'll get more used to it but I got one to follow your trip and start devotions on here!
I asked the students why they didn't like soccer and they said it was boring to play. And all you do is run and kick. Believe me I really tried to sell it to them. They seem to enjoy playing basketball here :) But another student said the reason why he is not a fan is because he does not know how to play or is not very good at it. So that makes sense. I felt like a duck out of water. It's funny because I was looking at their news paper and soccer or (Football) was all over the news paper. So that is what I got out of them. I quickly curved the conversation to something that we all liked to talk about.
I'm so glad you are trying to become a blogger! I hope it is a benefical experience!
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