Today was our first day of sleeping in :)
Angie and I both went to the elderly club. Again very hard to communicate with the people. But we still had a good time.
We also had our first language class today. Which was very overwellming for me. I have a hard enough time trying to spell and read in English let along Romanian :) I know it will get easier with time. It was just a lot in an hour and fifteen minutes. We will have language classes monday, tuesday and thursday every week from now until middle of July. So Here is another Romanian work for you Buna Dimineata! (Good Morning) There is suppose to be a little symbol above the a in Buna and a little tail below the t in Dimineata.
Tonight we will work with the teens club, should be fun.
Buna Dimineata!
I am sure it will be the next day before you read this because I am posting this at 5:22 PM our time which makes it 12:22 AM your time. Getting any type of word from you really is the highlight of my days lately. Thanks for keeping us updated on how and what you're doing. I have Pookie on my lap as I am typing this to you. I forgot to tell you earlier, Derek and Katie have a new baby girl. She was born this past Saturday the 15th. The number 15 is a good date for a birthday wouldn't you agree? This weekend is the craft sale for the youth group if you would remember to say a prayer that it goes well and they are able to raise the money they need, I know they would appreciate it.
I hope you and Angie were able to enjoy your time with the teens. I look forward to hearing more from you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Remember to dare to do great things. Love, Mom
Buna Dimineata Mama,
Congradulations P.D. and Katie! That's great news. The 15th is a wonderful day to be born on.
I will be sure to pray for the craft sale.
Is it rainy back home? It has been raining here the past three days.
Buna Dimineata Chaille!! :D I miss you so much but I am so thankful for blogging! I'm glad to hear that things are going well. Don't worry about the language just be brave and use it anytime you feel like you want to even if you make mistakes because that's the best way to acquire the ability to communicate with it! You'll do great!
Love you!
I forgot to answer your questions... :D It rained over the weekend and was breezy and today (wed.) is totally beautiful with a slight breeze and in the 70's. I hope your weather gets better over there. I'm sure it's on the way! So I went back and read the post before this one.... sounds like you've already been seeing a lot and doing a lot. Can you believe that you've already been there over a week? Press on dearie! Praying for you big time!
Ce Faci? I am doing somewhat better. I had a good chat with Aunt Jody this morning and she told me about how there were more posting on your blog. I didn't realize that you were responsing back to the comments that we post to you. Can you image how thrilled I was to have more to read from you. It truly is the highlight of my day to have news from you. I hope and pray that you are doing well and that the weather has cleared up. Both yesterday and today a beautiful with bright sunshime. Dad got out his three bottom plow to plow up his garden last night (Wed.) I went to Mr. Potes funeral, it was a very nice service. I seen Jen and gave her a hug. I had lunch with Rachael L. and we prayed for you and your great adventure. She and Bethany leave on June 14th for Ireland. I had started to watch the movie you gave me for Mother's Day with Dad, but stopped when he got up to go do something eles. I still haven't finished watching it. After talking with my sister this morning I think I need to watch it so I will have a good hard cry. I know this is going to surprise you when I tell you that I haven't broke out down and balled my eyes out since you left. I figure I have remained strong long enough, you have arrived safe and are doing well, so now your mom is going to have herself a good old fashion crying fit!! Please pass me the kleenex. I am getting a taste of what an empty nest feels like. I guess as God is preparing you for the next season in your life He is also doing the same for me. Please pray for this mama heart as she dearly misses her daughter. Something else I realized while I was talking with my sister is that this will be such a great growing experince for you, especially now that I am not there blocking the light from shining on you. I guess I never realized how large of a shadow I cast at times. Hopefully by the time you return I will be casting a much smaller shadow, I had a hard week last week, but this week has gone much better and I believe after I have my cry it will get even better. I gave Zoey a hug and told her it was from you and I even gave her ears a good rubbing for you. We miss you but know that you are doing what God has called you to do and are very happy for you and are excited to see where He will lead you in the future. Dare to do great things! Love, Mama
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