I've been in Sighisoara for one week now. Time flys when you are trying to adjust to a new culture.
Yesterday Angie and I met with the directors to talk about the program we will be starting. I'm getting more excited to see how it will go. We had to put together a questionnaire that we will take with us to a few families that might want their teens to be enrolled in our program. Next week we will be going on home visits of the teens that may be in our program this summer. There are about 7-8 that might be interested. We need to find out more about their needs before we can fully develop the program. Angie had a vision to develop this program two years ago when she was last here. While here on her visit she notices a teenage boy sitting alone in the park who seemed to have a disability of some kind and it made her think what types of programs are provided for teens with disabilities. After brain storming over this program for the last two years God has brought her back to Romania to try and start a program. Between Angie (an education major), myself (Recreational Therapy major) and one of the Head staff members (social worker), we should be able to come up with a unique program that will hopefully benefit many teens with disabilities.
Mom, you would of been proud of me I ate mushrooms today :-/ I try almost everything once. And I'm finding there are very few things that I do not like.
I made my first purchase today at a store, I bought a yard of ribbon that is the colors of the Romanian flag.
We had our second language class today I was dreading going but it turned out to go fairly smoothly, much better then the first one. I try to use it as much as possible with others so it sticks in my brain. We got our first home work assignment today! I was excited about that and already have it completed.
Pedro, I see random kids kicking around a football (soccer ball) and get very close to running up and kicking the ball around with them. One of these times I will, when I do not have to be some where. I will just go walking around town looking for kids playing soccer :)
I went on a home visit to a families house near by. It was an eye opening experience. Being here has helped me realize what I take for granted back home.
Tomm. we will be traveling to another town where we will lead a Sunday school class by telling a story, playing a couple games, doing a craft and having a snack.
I went out for Pizza tonight with the girls from the other group that is here and our little sister. It was very good and I'm very full now. And one of the girls from our group knew someone else in the pizza place who was also from America. They had both worked at a camp together and now the they were here trying to start a foster care program. Pretty crazy it reminded me of the time that Cherie saw a girl from high school in Spain. What are the chances.
We were given two different books to read:
Romania-Out of the Gray
Cross Cultural Connections, on Fridays we will meet with another staff member to discuss the book. I'm enjoying this one much more.
If you are reading this we have devotions with the staff on Fridays and they mentioned the Greek word for fellowship (Koinonia) I was like hey I learned about that in Klema class.
I am keeping the people I love back home in my prayers!
Miss you and GN
Buna fiica,
Ce mai faci? Fpart bine, multumesc. Care este numarul tau fde telefon?
There is some more homework for you. I am having fun with learning Romanian too!
It's seem longer than a week for me oh yeah it has been, since I seen you. It really sounds like God has been busy getting things in place for the work you will be doing while in Romania. We will keep you and your work & studies in our prayers.
Chaille, I am so proud of you and for so many things including you stepping outside of your comfort zone in trying new foods. How was the pizza?
I am so glad your second class went better for you and hopefully it will continue to get better with each one that passes.
I want to know how the children respond to you when you do run up and start kicking their soccer ball around. I would love to see the expressions on their faces, like who is this person and what does she think she is doing.
I believe the more we allow ourselves to get out in the world, the sooner we begin to realize just how small our world really is. Other people aren't really all that different from us once you get to know them.
Well, must go and prepare dinner, hope you had sweet dreams as it is around midnite your time.
Noapte buna ,my fiica
love your mama
calatorie placuta
(have a good journey)
Wow, wow....what can I say?! I am so proud of you and what you are allowing God to do through you. I am in awe of how God puts things in our lives to ignite his will like the time that Angie saw that disabled boy and had a vision for a program. I am thankful that we are used by God even though we are all like broken pottery. I am silenced by that fact that God brings people from differnt places and backgrounds together to work on one common goal like starting a program for disabled people in a community that has nothing to offer those people. And...I am so thankful for you my friend....you inspire me to reach deeper for Christ and you teach me to not be afraid of the word "can't" Thank you for sharing your heart through this blog I enjoy every minute of it and it makes me feel extra close to you in this time of separation. I miss you and I'm proud of you! Great job on getting your homework done already too!! :D
Love you, sleep well, God Bless!
The pizza was Bine!
I tried a few different kinds and I ended up liking just their plan cheese pizza best. Pepperonis are not found here so I got Salami which was alright.
Thanks for your encouragement! You are the best at doing that!
Hope you can enjoy the spring weather today!
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