I was very encouraged by P.C.'s message that I watched on Wednesday. It reminded me to be a light while I am here in Romania.
We went on our fourth home visit yesterday. It went well. We have been able to meet two of the potential teens that will be coming to the program this summer. Please pray that things work out with this program. I have been having not uplifting feelings from the beginning, only because I found out this is what I would be doing the first day I was here. So I've just been going along with it. I have not been able to as involved as I would like with the other programs and that has been hard. The other group that was here with us will be leaving tomm. So we will see how things change. I'm hoping to be able to work with the elderly club for the next couple of weeks before our program begins. I will also be able to work with the special needs club. I'm just really missing being involved in people's life's. So I would ask that you pray I have a good attitude.
I was given the opportunity this past Thursday to go on a day trip with the special needs club and I think after going on that is what has made me have the above feelings. When I was with them I was doing things that I love and having fun. I just want to be able to pour myself into the people's lives here and not have the worry in the back of my mind of all the things I need to get done. I do not want any regrets with this summer.
So back to the day outing it was a long drive (3 hours one way)to where we were going but when we got there it was well worth it. It was a lake that use to be a volcano. I told Dorothy that I wanted to build a house just up the road from the lake. And I believe my home in heaven might be quite similar to how this place looked. Pictures would not do it justice so I took video and have attached it so you could see. It wasn't that busy but all the noise you hear is from a school group that was there for a little while but for the most part it was just our group. We had lunch there and just stayed for a while. Thursday was also a pretty big day because it was the first day I was able to put my hair in little pig tails!!! One of the adults that went on the trip kept playing with them and told Eva they looked like paint brushes, that made me smile :oD Right before we were about to leave we took a group photo and one of the adults decided he would put his arm around me (not knowing any better) well my host father did not agree with this and told him to take is arm off and said something about me being his daughter :) Then there was another guy Alex who was kind of teasing my dad by pretending to put his arm around me to see what my dad's reaction would be. It was a wonderful trip. And again I wish I could speak more of their language.
I still have anxiety with going to language class. I dread going. There is seriously something wrong with my brain when it comes to trying to remember sounds and how to read words. I pray before I go that I will get better but I don't feel like I am and I get very frustrated with myself.
Dorothy is having us read this cross cultural book and it is very enlightening. Has some great points that open up my eyes to certain things.
We had dinner with the girls tonight that will be leaving tomm. it was hard to say goodbye to them. I will miss them greatly. When I look at my clock counter I do not feel like I have been here for 18 days, it has gone way to fast and will continue to go fast, which I'm not a fan of.
This past week I got a glimpse of what it would feel like to live with six other sisters and one bathroom. Lets just say it equals craziness :) Our youngest sister had to other friends spend the night and in the morning it was everyone for themselves when it came to bathroom time.
We had some great sister bonding time last night with our host sisters we were all in the kitchen doing the dishes and singing along to Michael Buble's "Just haven't met you yet." One of the fondest memories I will have and it was pretty appropriate seeing how we are all single. :) And then one of my sisters borrowed an article of my clothing and I borrowed a pair of another sisters jeans, because today was the first day we did laundry since leaving home (amazing I know) so I think that makes us officially sisters :)
Mom, the package arrived on Thursday but I was not able to get it yet, hopefully Monday. Thanks again for sending the extra things!
I hope all is well at home and that you enjoy the video.
Much Love and prayers from Romania :)
Nopte Buna
catboxesMy dear fiica,
I am praying for you and asking the Lord to restore your spirit as you serve Him in whatever area you find yourself while over in Romania. I know it can be difficult to handle disappointments in life but believe it is all part of His plan in growing us into the people He longs for us to be. You need to trust that even in those times of disappointment God is still who He is and He has the best for you, (Jer. 29:11). Okay enough of the preaching.
I am happy to hear that you did get to experience a good time on the day trip to the lake. I will have to get over to Aunt Jody's to watch the video as we still haven't gotten high speed service yet!!!. I got to view some of your pictures you posted on Facebook last week Thursday at Aunt Jody's. It was really nice to have faces to put to names. I think Angie looks almost like she could be another sister to Rachael. I am glad to hear that ta ta is keeping an eye out for you and protecting you while you are there, please tell him we deeply appreciate his protective fatherly heart. Did you get a picture of your paint brushes or I mean pigtails? We continue to pray for you as you learn the language. I have been told that if we do all that we can do (study, practice etc.) we can trust in God to do the rest. Hopefully that will encourage you concerning your language classes. Relax and don't take yourself too serious and I am sure it will come to you. We pray that the girls that are leaving shortly arrive home safely. I am sure it will be an adjustment not having them there, but just think two less standing in line waiting for the bathroom yahoo!!! It sounds like you are really doing some serious sister bonding if sharing of clothes is happening and your singing while doing the dishes, some very precious memories for sure. I am glad to heard the package arrived and that it took less than 2 weeks to get to you. I will get the second one out to you ASAP, please let me know actually what you want me to include as far as your books and such. We love you and keep you in our constant thoughts and prayers. Are we still on to do Skype the first Sunday in June 9PM your time/2 PM our time?
Noapte buna, my precious fiica,
oops!!!! I didn't mean to have catboxes in my opening greeting to you. But I am sure it made you think of home didn't it? LOL
Hello Dear!
I want you to know that I am so proud of you and what you are doing there. I know things are a bit hard right now because you are not able to be as involved with the people as you want to be and because of the frustrations of language learning but I want you to know that you are being upheld in prayer daily and that just being there is an accomplishment. So don't be afraid to be bold. Tell Dorothy your desires for working with people more...you never know what doors could open, and if nothing else, maybe it will just help Dorothy understand your passions better. As far as language learning goes, just be brave and go to class with your head held high because you know that you are the daughter of the King who created that language and you and He will help you fight to learn and will strengthen you for the battle. It will be hard but you have a hand to hold and you have hope and that is what matters.
It looks like you guys are a couple of days behind us weather wise...last week we had the weather that you're having now. It's been mostly rainy and cloudy all week here but I'm not too worried, summer is here, I can feel it in the air! :D I'm glad you were encouraged by PC's message about being the light...I was really encouraged by that message too. Emily sat by me that week at church, pray for her and her husband as he still does not support her going to church. I think she was encouraged by that message too. I miss you so much and I was so glad to see the video. Our houses in Heaven will have to be right next to each other because that is what I want for a backdrop for eternity too! :D Lots of love and prayers!
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